Staff Specialists

Our staff specialists and clinicians are trained in specialised fields of psychology, occupational therapy, speech therapy, educational therapy, learning support and special education. A number of our directors and clinicians hold concurrent teaching, research or visiting consulting positions at hospitals and instituitions, in addition to their private practice at Ovspring Developmental Clinic. Below is a non-exhaustive list of clinicians that practice at Ovspring. Do contact us if you need more information on our services and clinicians.



Dr Xu Shuping


Ph.D School of Psychology and Cognitive Science



Carolyn Seow

Special Education Teacher

B.Sc. (Psychology)



 Low Kiah Yen

 Consultant Speech Language Pathologist

BA Human Communication Studies (Hons) (UK)


 Jacqueline Teo

Consultant Occupational Therapist

B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) (Australia)


Lau Vi-vian

Consultant Psychologist

M.Sc. (Psychology) (Australia) 


Daniel Koh

Occupational Therapist

B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy)


Dave Lai

Consultant Speech Language Pathologist

Master of Speech Pathology (Aust)


Bernice Liang 

 Occupational Therapist

B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) 


 Rachel Ng

Speech Therapist

M.Sc (Speech & Language Pathology)













